Check Out Our Prefab Inventory

Check Out Our Prefab Double Exposure Inventory

Here at Quillkeepers Press, we pride ourselves on taking the time to tap into your vision while providing the best quality work. We never slap a cover together. Every little detail matters to us. First and foremost, we want you to be satisfied. When shopping for a book cover, you want the designer to understand you as an artist. After we have hashed out the agreement details, we will send you a spec sheet to fully understand your specific needs and desires. We will then get to work designing the cover of your dreams. We take the time to determine complementary color schemes, aesthetically pleasing pictures, graphics, and fonts that align with your vision.  

We take great pride in our designs and our diversity to meet the vastly different needs of our partners/clients. So, we understand that the cover design is not a one-size-fits-all. Every writer has a unique style, and finding a cover artist that aligns with your vision is essential.

Choosing a cover can happen at any point in the journey. We understand that not all artists’ creative processes are the same. Some envision a cover first, and the content of the interior follows after, and for others, the process is vice versa. No worries! If you are unsure of your trim size or page count, it is perfectly alright with us. While this helps streamline the process from the beginning, we will guarantee that the cover will be resized to suit your needs in most cases. 

Feel free to browse our catalog of available prefabricated covers or contact us for a custom design! 

*Prefabricated designs are limited in customization. If you want a custom design, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs.

Have a question? Need a quote? Contact us!